Florian Frank flori@ping.de
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License Version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation: www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
The latest version of protocol can be found at
The homepage of this library is located at
This library offers an implementation of protocols against which you can check the conformity of your classes or instances of your classes. They are a bit like Java Interfaces, but as mixin modules they can also contain already implemented methods. Additionally you can define preconditions/postconditions for methods specified in a protocol.
This defines a protocol named Enumerating:
Enumerating = Protocol do # Iterate over each element of this Enumerating class and pass it to the # +block+. def each(&block) end include Enumerable end
Every class, that conforms to this protocol, has to implement the understood messages (each in this example - with no ordinary arguments and a block argument). The following would be an equivalent protocol definition:
Enumerating = Protocol do # Iterate over each element of this Enumerating class and pass it to the # +block+. understand :each, 0, true include Enumerable end
An example of a conforming class is the class Ary:
class Ary def initialize @ary = [1, 2, 3] end def each(&block) @ary.each(&block) end conform_to Enumerating end
The last line (this command being the last line of the class definition is important!) of class Ary conform_to Enumerating checks the conformance of Ary to the Enumerating protocol. If the each method were not implemented in Ary a CheckFailed exception would have been thrown, containing all the offending CheckError instances.
It also mixes in all the methods that were included in protocol Enumerating (Enumerable’s instance methods). More examples of this can be seen in the examples sub directory of the source distribution of this library in file examples/enumerating.rb.
It’s also possible to mix protocol specification and behaviour implementation like this:
Locking = Protocol do specification # not necessary, because Protocol defaults to specification # mode already def lock() end def unlock() end implementation def synchronize lock begin yield ensure unlock end end end
This specifies a Locking protocol against which several class implementations can be checked against for conformance. Here’s a FileMutex implementation:
class FileMutex def initialize @tempfile = Tempfile.new 'file-mutex' end def path @tempfile.path end def lock puts "Locking '#{path}'." @tempfile.flock File::LOCK_EX end def unlock puts "Unlocking '#{path}'." @tempfile.flock File::LOCK_UN end conform_to Locking end
The Locking#synchronize method is a template method (see en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Template_method_pattern), that uses the implemtented methods, to make block based locking possbile:
mutex = FileMutex.new mutex.synchronize do puts "Synchronized with '#{file.path}'." end
Now it’s easy to swap the implementation to a memory based mutex implementation instead:
class MemoryMutex def initialize @mutex = Mutex.new end def lock @mutex.lock end def unlock @mutex.unlock end conform_to Locking # actually Mutex itself would conform as well ;) end
To check an object for conformity to the Locking protocol call Locking.check object and rescue a CheckFailed. Here’s an example class
class MyClass def initialize @mutex = FileMutex.new end attr_reader :mutex def mutex=(mutex) Locking.check mutex @mutex = mutex end end
This causes a CheckFailed exception to be thrown:
obj.mutex = Object.new
This would not raise an exception:
obj.mutex = MemoryMutex.new
And neither would this
obj.mutex = Mutex.new # => #<Mutex:0xb799a4f0 @locked=false, @waiting=[]>
because coincidentally this is true
Mutex.conform_to? Locking # => true
and thus Locking.check doesn’t throw an exception. See the examples/locking.rb file for code.
You can add additional runtime checks for method arguments and results by specifying pre- and postconditions. Here is the classical stack example, that shows how:
StackProtocol = Protocol do def push(x) postcondition { top === x } postcondition { result === myself } end def top() end def size() end def empty?() postcondition { size === 0 ? result : !result } end def pop() s = size precondition { not empty? } postcondition { size === s - 1 } end end
Defining protocols and checking against conformance doesn’t get in the way of Ruby’s duck typing, but you can still use protocols to define, document, and check implementations that you expect from client code.
You can set different error modes for your protocols. By default the mode is set to :error, and a failed protocol conformance check raises a CheckError (a marker module) exception. Alternatively you can set the error mode to :warning with:
Foo = Protocol do check_failure :warning end
during Protocol definition or later
Foo.check_failure :warning
In :warning mode no execptions are raised, only a warning is printed to STDERR. If you set the error mode via Protocol::ProtocolModule#check_failure to :none, nothing will happen on conformance check failures.
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