In Files




This module contains methods that are included into Ruby’s Kernel module.

Public Instance Methods

build(&block) click to toggle source

This method returns a Lazylist::ListBuilder instance for tuplewise building of lists like the zip method does. This method call

 build { x + y }.where(:x => 1..3, :y => 1..3)

returns the same list [ 2, 4, 6 ] as this expression does

 LazyList[1..3].zip(LazyList[1..3]) { |x, y| x + y }
# File lib/lazylist.rb, line 649
    def build(&block)
list(*values, &block) click to toggle source

A method to improve the user friendliness for creating new lazy lists, that cannot be described well with LazyList.iterate or LazyList.tabulate.

  • list without any arguments, returns the empty lazy list LazyList::Empty.
  • list { x / y } returns a LazyList::ListBuilder object for a list comprehension, that can be transformed into a LazyList by calling the LazyList::ListBuilder#where method.
  • list(x) returns the lazy list with only the element x as a member, list(x,y) returns the lazy list with only the elements x and y as a members, and so on.
  • list(x) { xs } returns the lazy list with the element x as a head element, and that is continued with the lazy list xs as tail. To define an infinite lazy list of 1s you can do:
     ones = list(1) { ones } # => [1,... ]

    To define all even numbers directly, you can do:

     def even(n = 0) list(n) { even(n + 2) } end

    and then:

     e = even # => [0,... ]
# File lib/lazylist.rb, line 626
    def list(*values, &block)
      values_empty = values.empty?
      result = LazyList[values]
      if block_given?
        if values_empty
          result = LazyList::ListBuilder.create_comprehend(&block)
          result.instance_eval do
            ref(values.size - 1)
          end.instance_variable_set(:@tail, LazyList.delay(&block))

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